
Commodity trading

As one of the core trading categories,

the iron ore segment has a long history
as an important part of the Company’s
traditional businesses. For business scale
and market influence, the Company

is elected by industry peers as important,
reliable and sound partner.

We are the one of leading iron

ore traders in the industry, and enjoy

a good reputation in the industry.

Iron ore

Following our business strategy the Company strives to become a main force

of the iron & steel industrial chain and provide customers with high-quality services

that integrate price management, inventory optimization, logistics and delivery,

and remains committed to become a stable, reliable and valuable partner to participants

of upstream and downstream sectors. The company has established long-term and stable
cooperative relationships with world-renowned mining enterprises and different types

of mines with unique characteristics. Based on variety research and comprehensive
service function improvement, we continue to assist domestic steel enterprises in ensuring
raw material supply.

As it takes proactive measures to respond to evolutions of the iron ore trading market,
develops new business patterns, integrates physical trade with financial derivatives

and further improves the hedging mechanism, the Company differentiates itself

from other players in full competition.

In the future, the iron ore business will uphold the green and high-quality development
concept and the market-oriented operation principle, further expand to low-carbon

and high-quality resources such as lump ore, concentrate fines and pellets, and steadily
improve the core competitiveness, so as to grow stronger, better and bigger and to align
business development with national interests and industry standards.

Seizing the opportunities arising

from national and regional development
and stepping up efforts to build networks

in distribution hubs and consumption
points. Major categories offered currently
include plates (such as hot rolled steel
sheets, cold rolled steel sheets, zinc plated
steel sheets and moderately thick steel
plates), strips and tubular steel products.


The Company has established long-term and stable partnership with major players

and customers in the Russian Federation, China, other countries, and has improved

business operation efficiency by applying the steel information system. 
In the future, the Company will further develop the product line and business pattern of steel
segment, advance the construction of sales network and explore new cooperation patterns,

to boost sales performance, provide customers with integrated solutions and become a leading
steel trader in Türkiye.

Copper is of strategic importance to economic
development. The Company’s copper trading
business covers copper concentrate, 
electrolytic  copper  and  blister copper.

Actively sourcing copper resources around

the world, the Company is committed

to providing stable supply of high-quality
materials to metal smelting, processing

and producing enterprises and building

firm cooperative relationship with domestic
metallurgical plants and upstream

and downstream customers of copper 
products, with an aim to expand the footprint

to all links of the copper industrial chain.


The Company vigorously promotes blister copper and electrolytic copper trading
businesses. For the blister copper trading business, the Company constantly expands

the global resource channels in the upstream and deepens cooperation with multiple
Russian and China-based metallurgical plants in the downstream. For the copper cathodes
trading business, the Comapny expands presence in Asia-Pacific and African markets

by leveraging copper concentrate and blister copper industrial chain advantages

and maintains a good developing momentum.

In the future, the Company will further promote the vertical extension and horizontal
expansion of copper production line, adopt well-coordinated measures at the raw material
end and the product end, strengthen the sourcing of upstream resources, accelerate

the construction of key resource points in South America and Africa, improve logistics
capacity worldwide and deepen cooperation with end users of the industrial chain,
to become an influential trader in the copper sector.

Since foraying into the aluminum

trading business in 2023,

the Company has presence in both
domestic and overseas markets,

as it has established long-term

and stable cooperation with major
electrolytic aluminum and aluminum
oxide plants in Russia, China

and overseas mines worldwide.


Company has gradually shaped the
business pattern in which electrolytic
aluminum is the core product

and development is expanded to raw
materials (including aluminum oxide

and bauxite) in the upstream

and to processed products (such

as aluminum bars) in the downstream,
and the Company is expected

to evolve into a first-class trader
covering all categories in the industry.

Other categories of trading business

In addition to the core segments

of the trading business, the Company

also engages in the businesses of special

Special minerals business covers importing
and cross-border trading

of chrome ores, manganese ores, coal,
ferrochromium and silicomanganese

and other materials committed 

to ensuring stable supply of quality

raw materials to alloy producers.
The company also has trading segment

of fertilizers for agriculture and industry,
such as urea and ammonia.

The Company also engages in minor
trading business of wheat, textile, marine
and industrial equipment, food supplies etc.